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Advertisements not running

Kathyrnn Posts: 41

Level 3

This is my last shot at getting an answer.

On 9/18/19 I posted the thread “Advertisements” asking why the advertisements weren’t running?

 Queen Bee responded and said King was aware of the problem and was working hard to fix the problem, but didn’t have a “timeframe” for the fix.

On 10/2/19 I posted in the “Advertisements” thread; the “After ad screen goes black” thread; and on Queen Bee’s page asking if the had a “timeframe” for fixing this problem.  I got no response.

King was first notified about this problem on 5/29/19.  We are now coming up on 5 months and it still hasn’t been fixed.  When will King be fixing this problem?


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    @Kathymn, I can totally empathize with your frustration about not being able to do the video but please try to be a bit patient because this is not the only glitch going on.  It might not be a priority fix if there are other glitches that need to fixed immediately.  It's happening in CC Saga too so the studios are working on this.
  • Kathyrnn
    Kathyrnn Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Thank you for your answer Elsa. (This one is helpful).  This let’s me know that after 5 MONTHS it’s not a priority.  I think 5 months is a lot more that a “bit” of patience.
  • l333nka
    l333nka Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have the same issue and its really frustrating as my friends who we run competition with (just for a laugh) get their moves on the adverts and I cant
  • Kathyrnn
    Kathyrnn Posts: 41

    Level 3

    I’m coming up with a plan to provide an incentive to fix this.  I’ll contact you when I do.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?