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Sad about Some of My Fellow Soda Candy Crush Team Members

wowee1000 Posts: 6

Level 2

I love this game and play it everyday. I always participate with a team so we can have fun competing with each other and also, earn prizes. This is my issue. Every day, I always make sure to play my 2 tasks so hopefully, I, and the rest of my team can earn rewards. However, I’m finding that a number of members are so consumed with winning that they don’t participate with playing their 2 boxes, depriving the rest of the team from getting rewards. I am also getting sick of constantly sending people extra lives and not receiving them back. Personally, I never buy extra points or lives or whatever you call it so I get 5 chances to play and then have to wait a certain period of time before I can play again. When you buy extra points, rewards, whatever, it’s extremely easy to win and you can play forever, until your money runs out, as compared to those of us who do it all ourselves. I’ve played with some great members but recently, I’ve had a bunch of duds. Is it so important to win that some people will do everything to win, pay money for extra bonuses, not send extra points or lives to others, not play their boxes to get a row so everyone can benefit. This is a game and it’s supposed to be fun for everyone. I hope people read this and are more considerate of their teammates in the future. Otherwise, I’d rather play alone and not with a team.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @wowee1000 Hearty Welcome to the Candy Soda section of our friendly King Community :) 

    First of all, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling sad about certain things with the game players!! 

    Unfortunately, you and I or anybody cannot do anything if our team members decide not to play but just sit around and want to claim rewards without doing their part of the quests/challenge!!  But, King Studio has been noticing this and they are making changes to all those special features, especially Mr. Toffee Fair.

    I can say this for sure because, two nights ago, my MTF tasks were finished and got a new board.  But, I didn't have time to play till next afternoon,  When I went back, my team-mates have already finished that board.  And a message appeared for me that "since I have not participated in the tasks, I will not receive any prize"!  --->  This is definitely a very good feature to those who does not participate but wait for the rewards.... don't you agree? 

    And I am sure that soon, same kind of improvements will be done to the "Soda Squad" feature too!  All these improvements really prove that the King does listen to us and make changes to his games to give us the better experience all the time! 
    With regards to "Episode Race", there is nothing for us to say as it is completely an individual effort but not a team activity unlike MTF feature and the Soda Squad! 

    But, can you please share your valuable opinion in the "Discussion threads" specified for Mr.Toffee Feature and also for "Soda Squad"?  Our Soda Community Manager @Xarly has created both those threads for us to share and post our opinion as well as feedback -- it can be positive or negative....  Because, each feedback comment help the King team to improve the game for our (players) benefit!  I am giving you those threads below.... 

    1) Feedback about "Mr. Toffee Fair"

    2) Feedback for "Soda Squad"

    Hope you will share your opinion in both of the above threads! 

    Thank you for posting in the Community!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!
  • wowee1000
    wowee1000 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Thank you for your assistance. I just joined and this was my first post. I had no idea where to post and I am a computer idiot. I do agree that some of the changes you stated sound great. I can’t make anyone do what they don’t want to do but if they don’t want to work as a team, then my feeling is play alone. So, again, I’m new to this and an idiot in terms of posting, where should I post these comments? And just as a sidetone, all in all, I’ve been very happy with my teammates. It’s only been recently I’ve noticed this selfishness and it impacts on my motivation to continue playing the game.
  • Hi @wowee1000

    If you’ve looked at some of the posts on the Soda Squad board and Mr. Toffee board that @PummyRaj linked, you’ve noticed that a lot of other players have expressed frustration with the team events.  

    With Mr. Toffee, I’ve actually found that I enjoy the event more if I get teamed up with people who are ignoring the event, thus allowing me to play it by myself.  You can also replay levels that you know you can win to complete some of the tasks and not risk losing one of the lives.  And with this event, players who don’t participate don’t get the rewards.  

    With Soda Squad, I’ve had lots of teammates who didn’t participate and have been on “unsuccessful” squads much more often than I have been on “winning” squads.  To be perfectly honest, I also don’t think the rewards given for the Squad are worth the extra effort.  So I’ve come to view it with the attitude of if we win, great, if not, so be it.  

    I have been playing the game for game for quite some time and I’ve never purchased lives or boosters.  There have been times when lack of progress has been really frustrating, but suddenly I’ll get lucky and get on a roll and it’s fun again.  

    Hang in there.    
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    Hi guys, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to enter them for a chance to win gold bars.
  • Kathyrnn
    Kathyrnn Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Wowee, I understand exactly what you’re saying.  I’ve been stuck with many Soda Squads where nobody else is playing, and you’re stuck with them for 2 weeks.  Mr. Toffee is equally frustrating.  I pick a row that I can accomplish, do my 2 tiles for the day.  I come back and some body has plopped into the row I’m doing.....and does nothing.  Even worse, I get none the advertisement videos, so I get no free bonuses or chances for extra moves at the end of the game.  I’ve played this for years (up in the 3000’s) but over the last 6 months, King has managed to suck all the fun out of this game.
  • sunsetlver
    sunsetlver Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Wow, I feel for I am only in the 1300's and they were zapped from me overnight back to Level 1 not to mention the MONEY I have paid into this game.....thinking its NO FUN ANYMORE..... 
  • wowee1000
    wowee1000 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Thank you for all the wonderful comments. Again, this was my first post and I was afraid that people would verbally attack me for expressing my feelings. Everyone’s attitude was exactly the opposite, very uplifting and I feel validated. Last night I went to bed with 15 lives I spent over a month earning by winning contests. I never buy lives or anything from the game so I worked hard for these lives. Yet this morning, my heart sunk when I realized Mr. Toffee STOLE 10 of my 15 points. I have contacted the game several times and they could care less. Furthermore, my credit card company is presently investigating them for charging my credit card in excess of $350 for things I never bought from them, like lives, bonuses, etc. I really love playing this game but I am so tired of Mr. Toffee’s antics I’m ready to walk away. The game is one of the few things that relax me but now, it’s only causing me stress. I wish the people who have responded here were my team mates because you all sound amazing. Has anyone else had lives stolen from them? The worst part is they never respond when you email them the problem. It’s like you are meaningless, not worth their time.
  • Kathyrnn
    Kathyrnn Posts: 41

    Level 3


    You are not alone on here.  There are many frustrated players on here.  I’m sorry you have been overcharged and lost lives.  Once you’ve spent any time on here, you’ll realize you only receive platitudes from King in response to your complaints. (In fairness, I’ve seen a few posts that actually assisted players, but very few). “Have patience” is a common response from them”. Handling the problem through your credit card company may be a more effective way to get help.  
  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555
    edited November 2019
    wowee1000 said:
    Thank you for all the wonderful comments. Again, this was my first post and I was afraid that people would verbally attack me for expressing my feelings. Everyone’s attitude was exactly the opposite, very uplifting and I feel validated. Last night I went to bed with 15 lives I spent over a month earning by winning contests. I never buy lives or anything from the game so I worked hard for these lives. Yet this morning, my heart sunk when I realized Mr. Toffee STOLE 10 of my 15 points. I have contacted the game several times and they could care less. Furthermore, my credit card company is presently investigating them for charging my credit card in excess of $350 for things I never bought from them, like lives, bonuses, etc. I really love playing this game but I am so tired of Mr. Toffee’s antics I’m ready to walk away. The game is one of the few things that relax me but now, it’s only causing me stress. I wish the people who have responded here were my team mates because you all sound amazing. Has anyone else had lives stolen from them? The worst part is they never respond when you email them the problem. It’s like you are meaningless, not worth their time.
    The important question here is why is your credit card linked to a free-to-play game?

    Ive been a player since day 1 and have never had lives stolen and wouldn’t care if I did as they’re meaningless.  I only extremely rarely run out of lives if I have a particularly bad spat of luck playing bubble gum hill.  The game has been good about not stealing gold bars either though I have mistakenly clicked on the huge “pay 10 gold to continue” button a few times.  In fact other than a couple levels that were glitched upon release I have had no technical problems on this one.

    As for the awful “team” events simply avoid partaking in them when possible - mainly MTF.  SubPar Squad is impossible to avoid but you don’t have to engage in the Farce at all.  As someone mentioned above please do yourself a favor and take a gander at those threads here, they should be near the top.  Well over a hundred pages of pure negativity about the Farce and they haven’t removed it yet.  It was implied that features get removed when they aren’t used so the fewer people that engage with the ridiculous “team” ones the better chance daily quests will be returned to all.
  • wowee1000
    wowee1000 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    The issue of them stealing lives was more about the 3 months I’ve had to deal with my credit card company for false charges they placed on my card. Many others have experienced this as well. The game didn’t get my credit card through me. But I have made purchases through Facebook using my card and my understanding is that is how they received access to it. Regardless, I’m just annoyed with them in general and all the stress they have aded to my life

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?