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(FINISHED)🏹 Soda Archery: Which team comes closer to the given score?



  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @LadyRaffie & @Lola_Pop & @Yosca & @Werner_Cichy & Soda Archery Teams,

    I have a question. What about ties? As of now, no one has hit the:

    • *58,460

    But, they are getting closer. Think the closest is:

    *Score 58,480 - Level ? @KingChewy

    Then there is:

    "You're absolutely right, we should have specified it better: please play a level and post the whole screenshot in your comment, without cutting out anything."

    So does that mean, @KingChewy score gets disqualified, because he didn't post the Level # ?, in his screenshot? Hey, just asking, if it was up to me, I would declare the "Soda Legends" the winners. (hehe)

    Certain Mr. King Chewy can always repost his score, with the whole or entire screenshot. Might be a good idea for the teams who have posted, to look over your posts, see if you did it right. I mean, some of them, have more edits then score. Nice to be creative, but this is not the "Juilliard School for the Performing Arts". Can tell you have been hanging out with our 2 current "Art Gallery" owners @Sweetice & @rock2233.

    Well until next time.

    Thx Origins7 Dale, 😁


  • Rock2233
    Rock2233 Posts: 6,047

    πŸ‹οΈπŸ‹οΈTeam Sodacrush⛹️⛹️@Sharon_Loose


  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713

    @Origins7_Dale & @Lola_Pop - I am happy to repost my full screenshot if necessary. I only removed which level I re-played (probably 50 times πŸ€ͺ) yesterday for a little gamesmanship and not to give away the level so that others could easily play it and try to equal or beat it right away.

    Just let me know πŸ™πŸ»

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello again!

    I'm really happy to see you all so engaged in the game πŸ€—

    So, you can remove the level number you've played- what @KingChewy says makes sense. We just need to see the screen you get after playing the level, so that it's clear the level has been played now and nobody is scrolling back to find the score that fits best. It's all about playing and having fun and competing in a fun way 😊.

    Good question, @Origins7_Dale : in case of a tie, we'll have to have a second competition among the winning teams 😏

  • Rock2233
    Rock2233 Posts: 6,047

    @Lola_Pop my question is if 3 players in team playing, one closer screenshot is enough or all players of team required screenshot . If someone scores 58458.or scores 58462, who will win .if someone post earlier or someone later on that point who will win

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    I'll be glad to answer these questions, @rock2233 😊

    1.- Whoever in the team comes closer to the given score, that's the team's score. Imagine for instance you score 58501, and your teammate scores 58469- this second score will count as your team's score.

    2.- It doesn't matter if you don't reach or if you pass the score by some points: in case somebody scored Β 58458 and another player scored 58462, it would be a tie. We'd have a new competition from those 2 teams in this case, with a shorter amount of time to play (24 hours), to decide about the winner.

    3.- You can post your screenshots at any moment until the 31st of August 2020, 13.00 CET - it doesn't matter who posts earlier or later.

    Please feel free to tell me if there are more questions around the contest πŸ€—

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325

    Ok I Removed My Level Number And Also Score Of @Sukanta_Biswas Because He Have Also A Team Here.

    @KingChewy Is Saying Right that anyone Can see Level and beat our closed Score .

    My closed Score Is Here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


    This Is when i was playing it offline πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Keep trying, we still have many days to perfect the score 😊

This discussion has been closed.

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