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I was limited to 3 wins and now the game is gone. Am I missing something?
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use gift card?
hi. I have been talking to my cake partners for many years and now I can’t chat with them. They have kinda been my extended family. I belong to the Sweet Kiwis.
how to get badge after completing 1000 level.
how to share link of the game with other friends?
It's suppose to snow here today where I'm from! I'm hoping it don't. Don't like winter. I like spring and summer. Fall's nice when the leaves change colors.
On Windows 10. Since yesterday, I can't log in to Soda Saga. It says "Log in with Facebook", but that fails and I don't get the option to log in manually, just "Not logged in: You are not logged in. Please login and try again." - actually, that's a Google translation, I'm in Thailand, so it comes up in Thai, which I don't…
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