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I made it.
Hi Anyway of getting a streak back if the game crashes and thinks I didn't do a level, had a streak of 200 and now it's gone
I can’t win boosters or unable to win anything anymore….why would you take that away? I mean you have become rich off my payments for boosters over the years….the wonderballs made me feel like I was getting a good worth….not anymore. Never again…
I don't know what you are thinking! Give me back access to talk to my team ASAP!!
I have reached the last level so far. At the same time I have earned two top 3 places the last two weekend and on my Way to my number three and by that getting the big gift Bit since I have reached the last level I don’t get the chance to earn the big gift which is quite unfair sin e I have been playing a lot of levels to…
How come I didn't get new levels to play today? It's Friday when new levels are always added if a player made it to the end as I did.
Chat missing because it is now news on team status. The chat was one of the few ways to socialize while playing candy crush soda.
I am on level 2252 in Dunking Dojo And not Ultra Hard levels? 😐
I love this good
It tells me bakery open in notes and I see teammates getting pieces but I am not allow to participate. Even changed teams
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