Hey @kiddywhompus, this might not be helpful but I know the only time hints turn back on for me is when I accidentally try and play with my WiFi off, then the option disappears. Took me so long to find out why! I play on iPad though so probably different? Good luck though!
@RodrigoZeba nope that’s just Candy Crush Saga still! Not Friends, Jelly or Soda. I think they’re losing a lot of players who try it once but don’t continue playing because of the hints, and I’m trying to get enough votes so they look at it again... it got implemented in CC Saga after a while because enough people…
@Emme @Annie923 I can’t play with hints either, if you guys are still around you can vote for the option to turn off hints here! thanks 🙏😊
@Anne_Martin if you’re still around and you’d like to, vote here for the option to remove hints on CC Soda 🙏👍😊
@Momofkings @Luko @Ken-11 @jaguar @RodrigoZeba are any of you guys still playing?! I’m also trying to get hints turned off cause I can’t play this game with them, so if you are still around please vote here!
Hey there I was just looking to see if anyone else had this!! I’m hearing ‘frogtastic’ now too, it’s is kid of meaningless, but I guess it’s like a made up word- a mix between ‘frog’ and ‘fantastic’- put them together- frog-tastic! I have no idea what it means either but I’ve just started hearing it. But, I hear it even…
Awesome thanks, cool I am on Friends @Spinnifix I will have a look! 👍 😊
♥️ Option to disable hints!!!!! ♥️ This is my mission for Friends, Soda and Jelly... but it seems so far not many others have the same issue as me! If anyone out there finds the hints distracting and LOVES playing CC Saga without them, please vote for the option to disable hints on Soda here!!!…
Awesome thanks @Spinnifix! Ahh doesn’t look like I am going to get there though, seems to be only me who has this idea! 😂 oh well lets see 🤞 thanks for the help! 👍
@Elsa thanks for the info 👍 can I ask how many votes ideas need to have to not be closed? 😊