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EveryMan Newbie


  • The link that PummyRaj posted on January 13 is broken. For people who have played this for years on a tablet in a case with a keyboard, having to flip it over every. single. time. you finish a level, it's awkward and frustrating. I played this game more because I didn't have to hold my iPad up--just set it on the…
  • The link that PummyRaj posted on January 13 is broken. For people who have played this for years on a tablet in a case with a keyboard, having to flip it over every. single. time. you finish a level, it's awkward and frustrating. I played this game more because I didn't have to hold my iPad up--just set it on the…
  • That bug is still alive and well. I have to do a whole song and dance with the menu -> home button, go back into the main level map, tap Bubblegum Hill. Nope, still checked off. Do the same thing again—maybe tap on a level to bring up the start level window, back out of it and MAYBE the Earn Crown window pops up. 

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