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Jana_Elliott Level 2

(Image) (Image) King Community King Community LadyRaffie (Image) Jana_Elliott 10:01PM Well I am done. I am so aggravated I want to spit out nails. The Level I am currently playing is a difficult 1 and against my better judgement I purchased boosters to pass it. I needed more bear and had 30 plays and was still blocked at every single turn. I was given nothing to work with. Every time I see that little women pop up with her little tiny sign that says 289514 people but boosters to pass the level and I realized that the least amount they could spend is $2 oh, I see the developers laughing all the way to the bank. I have said before developers need to reap benefits of their creations that make people happy and addicted. I mean how smart to create algorithms that learn how people are going to play so quickly? Anyway that was enough for me and I saw greed and all its glory and I am no longer interested in ever playing this game again. Add a Message Well I am done. I am so aggravated I want to spit out nails. The Level I am currently playing is a difficult 1 and against my better judgement I purchased boosters to pass it. I needed one more bear and had 30 plays and was still blocked at every single turn. I was given nothing to work with. Every time I see that little women pop up with her little tiny sign that says 289514 people but boosters to pass the level and I realized that the least amount they could spend is $2 oh, I see the developers laughing all the way to the bank. I have said before developers need to reap benefits of their creations that make people happy and addicted. I mean how smart to create algorithms that learn how people are going to play so quickly? Anyway that was enough for me and I saw greed and all its glory and I am no longer interested in ever playing this game again


  • I am on Level 2044 and struggling! No problem though. I will endeavour to persevere! I shall not surrender to a mere computer!. Lol!
  • Hello again! I couldn't agree with you more! I would rather be saving for another car as I was quite ill for a very long time and never thought I would be able to drive again. Well, never say "never." I do not purchase boosts anymore but did ask my question with genuine curiosity and it was not an attempt at sarcastic…
  • Okay, it looks like these are legitimate I see others are doing it the same way. I love word games and this was big fun! Up Toffee Air Bear Candy Seek Purple Us Sped You Ten Dupe Fair Fee Rode Stag Of Blob Cow Chocolatier Bud Bed Peek Bat Flu Soda bark Net Grab Bomb Jelly Aim Gob Roll Mob Crab Dark Rim Fag Bag…
  • Hi Spinnifix! Thanks for responding. I stopped buying boosters a long time ago. I am housebound and got thoroughly addicted and started buying boosters in the beginning and realized what a ridiculous idea that was for someone like myself who relies on disability to survive. I still consider myself "addicted" and love the…
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  • After a particular level, and I cannot remember which one, that envelope disappears. When you run out of lives again, a badge will appear in the middle of the page and your lives will now appear there.

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