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Envelope gone

TracyRiggs Posts: 2 Newbie

My envelope is gone, and I'm not receiving extra lives from friends, like i used to. I used to be able to keep playing for quite awhile, because when I'd click on the envelope on the right, there were always more lives, sent from Soda Crush friends. Now,, once my 5 lives are used, i only get 1 option to send one life to the same friend. Thats it.


  • Jana_Elliott
    Jana_Elliott Posts: 34 Level 2

    After a particular level, and I cannot remember which one, that envelope disappears.Β  When you run out of lives again, a badge will appear in the middle of the page and your lives will now appear there.

  • TracyRiggs
    TracyRiggs Posts: 2 Newbie

    Jana, thank you!

    I do know exactly what you are referring to, as far as the lives being in the middle of the screen. The thing is, I've only been prompted to send 1 life to the same friend. There are never any lives available for me. I select 'all' soda friends , when I request lives.Β 

    Before , when the envelope was up in the upper right corner, I would always have 5+ lives, waiting for me to accept.Β 

    When I'm on a hard level , I'm using my 5 lives, from the game, really fast. It's frustrating,Β  because it takes so long to get one life.Β 

    It was nice before, because I was getting more playing time. Now I'm not.

    Thank you again for your response.Β 


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