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Maestro2021 Level 2


  • I said I was leaving. This is my last Post. Maybe in future the developers might listen.
  • @Nix66 I understood the function of a Moderator was to pass on to the development team the opinions being expressed by users. As you have already stated, you are not using the latest version. Please pass on the feelings of the many users who have commented on this issue to the appropriate team. Thanks (Edit by CM: Rude)
  • @Nix66 To address this type of comment to someone who has been playing the game for several years shows a total lack of consideration before you write. (Edit by CM: Rude)
  • Hello Spinnfix, I don't care whether it is in a test phase or not. I will be leaving the community on Wednesday if it is not removed, and we are back to the original daily bonus. This is not a bonus it is purely an attempt to get people to spend money to play your game. If I leave I will certainly not be replacing it with…
  • Hi ckcc, this allows you to switch two adjacent objects around.
  • Hi ktwalker, you are so right; we pay for this game, and this should be appreciated by the creators. They are dreaming if they think I am going to pay any more for the extras we got as a Daily Bonus.
  • Hello Yosca, as you can see, I am not the only one angry about the change. I have reached 370 days + on the daily bonus and now it is worthless, a striped candy for 15 minutes? What's the point in carrying on playing? Yes, the special events are great but there does not have to be change for the sake of change. Replacing…
  • I feel exactly the same. Worst possible change to the game. Just a money spinner. Unless it changes back within the next week I'm leaving. Been playing since June 2014

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?