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PeterMuk Level 2


  • It's happening in normal play now as well
  • Hi @Pitty_Kitty I don't think I am receiving boosters when I complete each lower level of the cake. The latest cake bake has closed now, as you described, but I will check this next time it opens. Thanks again, Pete
  • Hi Pitty_Kitty, Thank you so much for that explanation. I understand how that works now. I misunderstood the mechanism before. The only other question I have is - should I receive the reward boosters immediately when I complete each lower layer of the cake or do they only appear once the whole cake is complete? Thanks. Pete
  • Thanks for your reply. My King ID is 9594360328 In this example I am on the second cake. I have attached screenshots of my progress, which also shows the current number of boosters. Before I completed the level which should give me two slices cake when completed, I had the following:- 23 cake slices, 27 lollipops, 21…
  • I have the same problem. I don't get any cake slices when I complete the second top level where I should get 2 slices. I get 1 cake slice when I complete the top level where I should receive 3 slices. This problem has been going on for the past 2 months.
  • I have a problem with the Bake a Cake rewards because I am still not receiving the correct cake slices at the top of the cake. On the second cake I don't receive any slices when I complete the 2 slice layer and only get one slice when I complete the top 3 slice layer. I have cleared cache, cleared data and uninstalled and…

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