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RageKage Newbie


  • @LoFiGummy i tried that, but I got a generic answer and was directed to try the community. At least I think I did? It was a bit confusing to find. I’m pretty sure it was an automated response. I think I’m just going to have to quit the game, because it’s so disheartening. Am I correct in thinking that even if I’d had a…
  • I SO very much appreciate your helping me out here! I tried your suggestion, but it didn’t work. I also think it’s quite odd and have been brainstorming possibilities why it could have happened. I’d never logged into my account for this game, only for other King games I’d played years ago. I suppose it’s possible I…
  • Do you mean the rewards pass? I’m not sure if that’s what it was called, but the game was much more entertaining when I had more things to accomplish within each level rather than just trying to pass levels straight through.

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