Thanks, Johnny! You're the best
King obviously doesn't care as I haven't been able to use my chocolate box in months and I really don't care anymore.
Glitch. Second gummy will not drop!
My chocolate box still doesn't work. It's been months.
Get rid of chocolate box. Obviously it can't be fixed so remove it!
Mine hasn't worked in months and king doesn't even bother responding to my posts here or my messages to them. I really don't care about it anymore. Just ignore that its there.
My chocolate box hasn't worked in months. King said they were working on a fix MONTHS ago but still nothing. Thanks, King!
Thank you. I've done 1all of the above. This is on King's end and I'm not the only one with this problem. C'mon King!
It is working today. Finally fixed
This is like day 10 and still not fixed. I'll move on. I don't think King cares about CC Jelly as it's not the big money maker as CC or CC soda.