Now i am happy too.Because i know what rule is changed.And now i know why Soda race is on and why off.Good evening.
Hello Yosca.I understood what you said.But if i was second after time finished i don t Win no prize?thank you
Hello.If u want to read what Yosca seems that soda race is now with timer and not anymore till you finish those levels.
Game was up to date before.was last version for gaming.but is good now.thanks
Hello.BaC is work now.i just update game and restart phone and i can play it now.
- team Code 315145613.I just ask on team chat Who was player,maybe i will have a response.just now i have entered on BaK and some points added.i just update game even i was on last update before.thank you
Hello.this is what it talking.My team player bake a cake and points are what is problem?thank you
Hello.bake of cake appear but play button is grey.Sometimes some points appear like some members make levels.