Lucky box 11
Looks like it's back. Just got 3 extra moves...up to 8 on the last game I just played...level 12208
I wish. This is frustrating as hell.
Very true. Think it's time to retire the game. I'm on level 12193 and I'm not paying a dime to pay. So ridiculous to take this feature away.
Level 12193 and my extra moves are still gone. Frustrated.
Send me all the discontinued gold pieces you don't want!! thanks lol
I don't do elves either but found this on the net. Poor dear.
If it's a cookie, I will eat it. Lol. never had marzipan before so I chose gingerbread which I love.
Because I'm addicted to sugar, I thought it was only appt to call it sugar surprise. I'm going with that new name.
Got another one and still stuck on this level .