hi all looking for a team that plays im level 4240 please if you need a player for next week cake keep me in mind
somone please tell me why i can not connect with fb for game any more i try and it erases my password just dont work so upset as i can only use email account and get no lives this way
same for me and all my friends that play game
same issue here and also with most in the group i help run
i have found with my dailys if i dont get it wen i open the game i play 1 round go back to main screen then back to daily it will kick in
just reached level 5000
thank you i did recive them this morning i appraciate your help. a littel sad didnt get outfit but is only a game will be others
i used no gold but i did use about 10 hammers of each
ok thank you still nothing yet is 747 am monday the 29th
still did not received the out fit