What do I need to do to fix this "No Internet Connection" glitch? I'm not even able to save my progress. PLEASE HELP!
To answer your 4 questions: 1.) Soda Saga. 2.) When entering the game the msg reads "You've ticked a tile. Connect to the internet to receive your prize". 3.) Not receiving any events. 4.) After the game loads but before the game board comes up I see the above msg. I hope this helps you to help me! TYVM!
My Soda game is still telling me I have no internet connection even after I updated the game. And since I updated it isn't letting me save my progress - saying no internet connection. I'm in the 3000s level. I'm afraid to delete the game & re-download because its not saving my progress. If I lose my progress, I won't start…
My Soda Saga game says No Internet. But, I am absolutely connected w latest wifi! I'm participating in this Online discussion, right? I'm so frustrated! PLEASE HELP! Fix the glitch! Tyvm!
I'm having the same problem! I'm connected but my game won't connect! Frustrated, please help!