The new font feels super weird considering candy crush has used the same font for 10+ years. Please revert it
For episodes that include 1000, 2000, 3000… should have their own episodes instead of the standard 10.
In levels the game can end before the candies stop exploding As you can see, right above the toffee swirl at the bottom left of the board there are 3 green candies lined up to hit the toffee swirl, but the game ends before it explodes. Please look into this issue (it makes you lose for no reason.)
The cherries get stuck in the corner and basically makes you use a switch hand
When I logged on today I saw that win streak rewards were removed. Is this a glitch or were they taken out?
There should be a subscription service if $5 a month for different perks like booster bot on previous levels, sugar drops, and resetting boards.
We should be able to play different version of candy crush to experience the game when it was younger.
The fish aren’t attacking the popcorn on level 7123.
Releasing three episodes a week is very hard to keep up with, and is annoying to people who like to 100% games.
losing your entire booster bot after losing one level is kind of dumb. You spend so much time charging it up then you lose it. Please fix this.
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