Daily boosters resetting to 1
It seems that the daily boosters (bonuses) are resetting to day 1 after updates again. After the last two updates my boosters reset to day one. This happened back in fall when I was at like day 270 or so. They said they had fixed it fixed and started giving me some extra boosters (bonus). Then after an update it reset to…
Daily bonus reset to to day 1
I updated last night, and to my surprise my daily bonus ( I was at somewhere around 160). I have not missed a day since the daily bonus started, by this evening I find myself back to day 1. I believe this is a problem with the update either resetting the value or is looking at the wrong place for the data. I have noticed…
Check mark covering bottom right square of game
when in landscape mode on my iPad Air 2, a check mark covers the bottom right hand square of the board. I think it is check mark indicating I'm connected to Facebook. This mark is not there in portrait mode. Can you fix this, it just started doing this today, I just received this new iPad today. First I've noticed this…