Level 3
More than 95 precent of all players disagree this new feature!! This is the most unfair feature in the world. When you spend 500 gold bars you will get 25 gold bars only and you spend 700 gold bars and you get 25 gold bars again (total 50 gold bars) and if you spend 1100 gold bars and you get 50 gold bars (100 gold bars in…
Level 10221 finished, but the episode race said “Complete the level 10236” What happening with the episode race? Episode race didn’t opened!
Weekly collect of points for send lives from Royalty didn’t work! How can this solved? That does only can collect of points for open the game and win all 5 levels for first try!
Yesterday won I more than 200 levels but for this gift say “Oops” message. How can fix this gift of gold bars from complete all 100 levels for 50 gold bars?
This challenge give you nearly 2 weeks no rewards !!! Because this challenge is no fun for me !! Annoying challenge @Crazy Cat Lad Please remove for this challenge from my screenshot of my game. My ID: 10544796501 Thanks 👍🏻😉
How is possible for a nut to pass ??? Because its out of moves and I can’t pass. Maybe for my is not enough moves for I think ??? 🤔 (Sorry im bad English but im Netherlands)
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