Level 3
All king games are taking long to load PC and IPad
Why don['t Special events ever show up on my computer, only get it on IPad
I haven't had any of those green cows/pigs (whatever) to get stars for reward companions for over 300 games. I've gone back and have 3 stars for all of them and at the end of the list and just three question marks showing. Why am I not getting any miore?
I open Farm Heroes 2x's a day and by the time I get to the last week it starts a new month and I don't get the bonuses. I don't miss days, so why doesn't it finish the month so I can get the last bonus?
if we win extra time you should let us play until the time runs out, not that we run out of time playing... meaning, if I win 30 min or 2 hours of play time at midnight, I’m not going to stay up another 2hours to use it. The time should stay until I’m ready to play again
im playing several times a day, so why did my daily popper rewards set back to zero
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