Level 2
Dear support, When I am back after Mr toffee, the data is now not visible whether your 1st 2nd 3rd etc. Left in one go since yesterday. Why please fix that Have the latest windows 10 on PC Thank you in advance
Best support, Why has mrToffee left Candy Crush Soda 3 days ago I had a row full and then suddenly it disappeared I personally don't like this it always worked okay I have windows 10 on my pc and it worked really well on it my user id is maatje84@ziggo.nl
Mr. Toffee is NOT working yesterday it dissapier I cannot find my user number, but I can log in facebook that is maatje84@ziggo.nl Game name Candy crush soda I play on the pc windos 10 new version and the day before yesterday mr.toffee still did it
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