Connection unavailable
There’s something wrong with this gift, I don’t even know what it is. It’s been showing up no matter how good my signal is for almost a week. I’m playing on iPhone 12 Pro running iOS 16.1.2 and this is appearing on both WiFi and 5G/LTE.
Why are streaks lost when game crashes?
I’ve had the game crash and close on me several times this week and every time I lose my streak. I know from reading replies that you don’t restore streaks when the game crashes but why are the streaks lost when the game crashes in the first place? It’s not the player’s fault the game crashes. We work hard for the streaks…
Game Crash Makes Me Lose Boosters/Streaks
I’m playing on iOS (everything is up to date) and it’s crashing frequently and when it does mid-game, I lose my win streak and the boosters that come with that streak.