I lost me rank (again )
It is the second time that happens to me, the first time I lost all my game, neither level was restored but not my rank, this time when I open my game I am level, but I have lost neither rank again. What I do can you help me please, by the way it was rank 65.
CCS is in maintenance ?
Can someone tell me if CCS is in maintenance, as I try to log in, and on the home screen I get a message saying: Even Dexter and his friends need to rest, we'll be back with more challenges soon. After the message the application closes automatically and therefore cannot be opened again.
Open questions...
It is time to ask why? All of us who play CCS seem to have very different games (for example, I play on mobile), and every time I realize that we ALL have something different: Before we had air delivery, (for those who do not know what it is: It was a booster that you received in exchange for seeing advertising), now it is…