Level 2
New games please rocket rush getting annoying Like playing different Don't like having to win level some are way to hard to win I only get it now for the free hour.
What happened to Xtra moves, It's stuck on 2,1,2 where is are other options 5 moves ain't worth it. And when are u going to fix it so we don't have to play in potrait mode
Why are we not getting new levels to play One of my favorite games.
Good concept but to confusing, and a pain to go in scroll through everything. Much easier having activities on the side. Especially for us old people.
Lately any of the games I play ie soda cc and jelly are randomly closing Cleared all cache etc Very Annoying when your about to win level and the games closes down. They seem to be taking turns tonight soda have not played the others yet
Cc jelly is acting very weird can you tune it up please. It's moving in slow motion, none of the other games are doing it
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