Hello @Hillary95, unfortunately your idea has been suggested several times already and duplicate ideas are generally not allowed. Because there is already an active idea asking for an undo booster you would be much better off adding your vote to that idea rather than starting your own. Here is a link to the active idea…
One life lesson I have learnt @preciousmichael is never to click on pdf posted by people I do not know. If you want people to read your book the safest thing for everyone would be for you to paste a copy of a page or two in here
On the other hand I don't see any sign of All Star candies, the Hub or any sign of the event in my game at all Not seeing the Hub is normal and generally nothing to worry about @christinewupp but the rest is worrying. The map has been changed as well as the Home screen.
A share of $1,000,000 according to today's pop-up
Other than waiting for half an hour you can only use twenty extra lives a day anyway so why do you need more lives? If you are asking how to get more free lives some other way then no one here can help you. Just Google Candy Crush free lives and I am sure you will find a helpful hint @NathalieRooney1
Unfortunately @Donna_Desrochers there is nothing to fix. Not having adverts isn't a problem as such it is just the result of how King delivers the game features. If you haven't got adverts at the moment then there is nothing you can do to force them to appear as you either have them or you do not. All you can do is wait…
There are no new levels for Windows until the 19th March @Mim_
Other than waiting for half an hour you can only use twenty extra lives a day anyway so why do you need more lives? If you are asking how to get more free lives some other way then no one here can help you. Just Google Candy Crush free lives and I am sure you will find a helpful hint @NathalieRooney1
Hi @magichour being able to exchange one booster for another one is a very popular idea and as such the idea has been posted many times. I am sorry to say that your idea is therefore a duplicate and duplicate ideas aren't allowed. Please consider adding your vote to an existing idea Another issue with your idea is that…
@QueenB @LoFiGummy can you please move this post. Thank you.