I saw you. Thank you so much. 😍🔨😆
iPhone 13/ iOS 18.3 The game updates itself, but does not tell me which version. The instruction here for player ID is no longer valid.
The bakery is a timed event that starts, but ends after a few days. They recently moved it from Teams to Activities, so look for it there. For my team, the bake ends in 2 days.
Yes, those dark brown ultra-hard levels can be so difficult.
Zoie_102018 I play on a phone, so the layout could be different. Under the Teams icon, the "Team" tab with list of members and "News" tab with chat are still on the right, but the challenge "Bake a Cake" has moved to join the "Activities" icon, upper right. Less convenient, and doesn't fix the actual bugs, but there we are.
No. Once you win their schmuck badge by buying something, you lose ads.
Not the only one. This happens. After it happens, shut the game or reboot your device to get past it. You've lost your game and reward once you get stuck on an ad anyway.
Yes. There are some ads that appear to be "done", no audio, no video; just a still image. Then when you click exit, they say "Ad interrupted. You must watch the entire ad to get the reward." Others, (Kwikset) have no method to exit.
Thank you, @Pitty_Kitty I just had the English version of the ad play successfully. It was correctly oriented to the device, and filled the screen properly. It completes with an "X" icon on screen to exit. The company that placed the ad is Benedict LLC. I hope this helps and that the Spanish version is placed by the same…
I hope the developers/debuggers understand that once that defective ad catches your device, rebooting the device is the only way to get out