Thank you King for rectifying and deleting the cheating scores. 👏👏👏👏Now it is back to a more competitive and fair competition
@Chicken_Slayer Really!!!!! Thats your answer. Firstly. If people don’t know Queen Mia is no longer CM then they will presume she is still in that roll. Any mention of it on the community page?? whats up, you having a bad day? *removed by CM _ rude and inappropriate* I’ve screen shot it and reporting to king about how you…
@QueenRaffie Are you going to answer the above posts
@QueenMia @Chicken_Slayer And it just keeps getting more pathetic. This score is not achievable. We are advising our members not to play. Why play something you have no chance at winning because of cheats.
@QueenMia cheating going on big time here. Can you relay this back to the developers. They should know the maximum score this level can produce. And it sure ain’t One billion, forty-three million,six hundred eighty-four thousand,one hundred and eighty two Come on. This is pathetic!!!! If the developers and King let this…
@QueenMia Legend of the month. Can you relay this back to the developers. They should know the maximum score this level can produce. And it sure ain’t One billion, forty-three million,six hundred eighty-four thousand,one hundred and eighty two Come on. This is pathetic!!!!If the developers and King let this score win, it…
@Chicken_Slayer none of us have had a reply. This thread seems to have been missed. Thank you for stopping by to highlight it.
Good luck getting any answers from this thread. Mine has been sitting for 2 days without a reply.
@QueenMia I do not have the Cauldron classic. I also do not have the magic ritual that everyone has got either. Please don’t say it is being phased in by developers to see how they go. These are 2 challenges I have had on numerous occasions, and have been out for a good while. Especially the cauldron one. This always seems…