Level Milestone Ribbons
I finally reached level 17,000. I remember from past milestones, that in order to get the ribbon, you had to go back and play that level ending in 000 one more time. I did that, but no ribbon. Then I noticed that my 16,000 ribbon is no longer. Have they taken this feature away?
Extra Moves Starting Over
I remember this happening in the past, but thought it was fixed. However, it has started again. When playing on my desktop, through Facebook, I'm stuck on a Legendary Level. On my phone and Ipad, they give you extra moves when you don't complete the level. I have 125 extra moves on my phone. However, on my desktop, each…
Looks like the robots are back.
They are back. For my weekly contest, first place won over 10,000 levels this week. Really?? And because of this, it pushed me to 4th place, and knocking me out of a prize. Getting tired of this.
Playing through facebook.
Everytime I play Candy Crush on Facebook, I have to accept the terms of service and turn off the music (my preference). Does this happen to everyone playing through facebook? Why can it not save my preferences and how many times does one have to accept the ToS. It's annoying!!
Blue Candies on Level 8328
Whenever there is a contest where we need to collect blue candies, I always have turned to the old reliable level 8328. I would consistently collect 7,000 - 8,000 blues per game. Now, with the pinata contest, I am only getting about 650 per game. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful I can play to win a party booster, I'm just…
Strange Objects on Level
I had this happen on my Ipad and now on my desktop through facebook. What is all this? It is messing with my game play. Anybody else experience this?
Level 13725
Come on King! This level is ridiculous. You know there is an issue when you have been on a level so long, that the end of game offer is now an additional 120 moves. It's time to give me a pass.
Synching play
How do I synch my play when playing through facebook (on my desktop computer) and playing on my IPad or IPhone? Some things are synched, like levels or the chocolate box, but then other things are not, like this new Winter contest. I have qualified and have 50K blue candies on my Ipad, but when playing through facebook, I…
November contest
I thought there was a contest in November each week that if you completed them all, you get 100 gold bars. I completed them all but have not been awarded the gold bars. Is there something I need to do?