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** πŸ’Ž Diamond Diaries Expert Information πŸ’Ž ** (Part 7) - Pick one of the booster on ticket 🎫

Diamond_Lim Posts: 167,021
edited October 17 in Discussions

Hello there! Diamond Diaries Hunters! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜„

I amΒ Diamond LimΒ (also called meΒ LimΒ is short as well) while I always Diamond Diaries Saga Expert / Skill Master Player! πŸ’ŽπŸ˜„

Alright! I tell you the tip is called "Pick one of the booster on ticket" 🎫

Diamond Diaries Saga is a treasure hunting adventure that takes you all around the world. You can even choose your next trip! But first things first... you’ll need a ticket if you want to travel. 🎫

On first episode, Lucy (a talented craftswoman) is still working the necklaces, Charlie (a bird) receive a letter to Lucy! Lucy read this letter and receive first ticket is Paris (No Booster Selected) by Bernadetta! Then finally they depart to Paris to start going ahead! 😊

On second episode, you can only selected second ticket is New Work (Lives recharge twice as fast)! 😊

From starting third episode to present episode, you’ll be given the choice between two exotic locations. You’ll find all sorts of trips on offer (Everyone choose different locations) / (All of the locations will be randomly to us) 😊✈️

You’ll also have a choice of two boosters. Pick one, and that booster will stay active for the entire episode. You’ll be invited to make a selection from any two of the following:

  • Two Birds at the start of every level 🐦🐦
  • One Blast at the start of every level 🌟
  • Lives recharge twice as fast ❀️
  • Power up the Hammer (double the radius) πŸ”¨Β 

So I hope you got understanding now! 😊

Have a wonderful and sassy day! πŸ’ŽπŸ˜„

πŸ’Ž Diamond Lim πŸ’Ž
(Diamond Diaries Saga Expert / Skill Master Player)

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