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** πŸ’Ž Diamond Diaries Expert Information πŸ’Ž ** (Part 12) - What are the blockers and helpers? πŸ‘†

Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,885
edited January 15 in Discussions

Hello there! Diamond Diaries Hunters! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜„

I amΒ Diamond LimΒ (also called meΒ LimΒ is short as well) while I alwaysΒ Diamond Diaries Saga Expert / Skill Master Player! πŸ’ŽπŸ˜„

Alright! I tell you the tip is called "What are the blockers and helpers?" πŸ‘†

Let me teach you! πŸ˜‰

Blockers are harmful to us that they block while the charms/diamonds stopped against the blockers!

Helpers areΒ helpful and good to usΒ that they help us from level goal easily!

Alright! Firstly, what are the type of blockers? πŸ€”

There are 6 types of the blockers currently right now! 😳

The type of the blockers as below! πŸ‘‡πŸ˜„

1. Honeycombs 🐝 (Unlock on level 3)

Honeycombs are destructible elements that cannot be linked. You will need to link adjacent charms to remove them.

There are three different states of honeycombs (single ring, two rings, full).

Instructions πŸ‘‡

1. A full Honeycomb will become two rings after being hit.

2. A two ring Honeycomb will become a single ring after being hit.

3. A single ring Honeycomb will be destroyed after being hit.

Tips : Honeycombs are not affected by gravity. They can also be destroyed through the use of blasts or birds.

2. Flowers 🌸 (Unlock on level 16)

Flowers hide other Charms underneath them and can only be destroyed by linking adjacent charms.

There are three different states of flower (single layer, two layers, 3 layers).

Instructions πŸ‘‡

1. 3 layers of flower will become 2 layers of flowers after being hit.

2. 2 layers of flower will become a single layer of flower after being hit.3. Single layer of flower will be destroyed after being hit, then the other charm will there.

Tips : They can be destroyed also through blasts or birds. Flowers are affected by gravity.

3. Amethysts ✳️ (Unlock on level 25)

Amethyst pieces are destructible elements that cannot be linked. You need to link the adjacent charms to remove them.

There are three different states of amethysts (single ring, two rings, full).

Instructions πŸ‘‡

1. A full Amethyst will become two rings after being hit.

2. A two ring Amethyst will become a single ring after being hit.

3. A single ring Amethyst will be destroyed after being hit.

Tips : Like the Honeycomb, the Amethyst is not affected by gravity, Amethyst can also be destroyed also through Blasts or Birds.Β But the main difference from the Honeycomb is that the Blast’s projectiles cannot go through the Amethyst.Β 

4. Ribbons (Unlock on level 30)

Ribbons can wrap around charms or dolls or Keys.Β You need to remove the whole ribbon before you can clear the wrapped item.Β The ribbon has several states, which decrease every time link the item with the ribbon.

The ribbons states are:
(Complete, Crossed, Horizontal)

Instructions πŸ‘‡

1. Complete of ribbon will become crossed of ribbon after you being link for same colour charms and ribbon!Β 

2. Crossed of ribbonΒ will become horizontal of ribbon after you being link for same colour charms and ribbon!

3. Horizontal of ribbon will be destroyed after you being link for same colour charms and ribbon, then you can link it for same colour charms!Β 

Tips : Flowers are not affected by gravity too. They can also be destroyed through the use of blasts or birds too.

5. Glasses (Unlock on level 82)

Glass plates cover charms and other items, which stops them from being linked with.Β Here is my example as below! πŸ‘‡

Tips :Β You can destroy glass by creating a link to the charms behind it - you’ll need to do this three times to destroy the glass. Remember, the only way to link charms behind a glass plate is to start a link from a charm that is uncovered.

6. Unbroken Glass (Unlock on Level 2016)

Check out the tips of Unbroken Glass here!

Alright! Let's teach the helpers! πŸ˜‰

What are the type of the helpers? πŸ€”

There are 4 types of the helpers currently right now! πŸ˜‰

The type of the helpers as below! πŸ‘‡πŸ˜„

1. Bottles πŸ₯€ (Unlock on level 8)

You need to link all the perfume bottles by linking them with charms of the same color. When a bottle is cleared, it releases perfume, raising the water level. Water will affect the physics of the harms by making them float. Here is my example as below! πŸ‘‡

Tips :Β Bottles can be destroyed also through the explosions/rays created by the blasts or with the help of birds.

2. Keys πŸ”‘ (Unlock on level 18)

Key helps to unlock the charms/diamonds/dolls/boxes/etc.Β Locks trap other charms inside and can only be destroyed if they are linked with their respective key. Here is my example as below! πŸ‘‡

Tips :Β Locks are not affected by gravity. They can also be destroyed through the use of blasts or birds.

3. Brooch (Unlock on level 161)

The Brooch is a destructible element that cannot be linked. It’s usually 4 times bigger than Charms (2x2 size of Charm) and can have up to 8 β€œlayers” of Pearls around it. Here is my example as below! πŸ‘‡

Tips : Every time you make a link next to it or hit it with a blast, the brooch loses 1 pearl. When all the pearls are cleared, the brooch explodes and wipes the whole board.

4. Bird Eggs 🐦πŸ₯š (Unlock on level 201)

The Wooden Egg is a destructible blocker but mostly is helper!Β 

Here is my example as below! πŸ‘‡

Tips : It is affected by gravity and cannot be linked. Like normal wood it blocks a blast’s projectile from passing through it. It can have up to 3 layers. To destroy Eggs, you have to link next to it, or hit it with blasts. When destroyed, the Egg releases 3 helpful birds.

So did you learning all of the blockers and helpers? 😊

Alright! I wish you can passing any levels and good luck! πŸ‘

Have a wonderful and sassy day! πŸ’ŽπŸ˜„

πŸ’Ž Diamond Lim πŸ’Ž
(Diamond Diaries Saga Expert / Skill Master Player)Β 

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