gostaria de saber o porque quando chega no momento de pegar o prêmio eu não consigo simplesmente aí fica mais ou menos uma semana para desbloquear.Como resolver esse problema???
Hello! @R59767400 👋 Welcome to King Community! Sorry for your reply because we can only use English that we can understand on King Community! You can translate to English on Google Translate as well! 👍
Please use English then we can help you to solve your problem! 😉
If you have playing any King games, you can tap to 'Games' ( on upper left ) to select your Game, then you can check these contests to give you gold bars/free boosters too! 😉 For example : Community Team will notice everyone to join these contests such as which levels are you from, how many points are you get, and other more competitions! ( It's show announcement by Community Team ) 😉 Contest finished that means the contest is over or have no longer or expired date!