Hello Hunters
Community is a great place for players to get together and discuss the game they love.
But it's also the perfect place to give direct feedback and we would love you to give us some ideas about what a great 1000 level should be...
Answer the following questions below and
10 of you will be picked randomly to be rewarded with exclusive badge that nobody has yet

Let's start:
1)Which game mode do you like the most? 
2)Which helper do you think is the best to succeed in a level? 
3)Are you a fan of short levels or longer ones?

4)What do you enjoy the most about playing these levels?

5)Obstacles make things difficult.. which do you think is the hardest one?
6)Which element is more fun for you?

By sharing your feelings on the game with us, our Studio will be able to take your feedback in and design an epic level 1000 providing the best experience in your game!
You have until Tuesday 24th September 23:00 CET to participate!
You can read the Terms and Conditions
Your feedback is greatly appreciated - Help us help you!