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Symbolism of the Matryoshka Dolls

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited November 2021 in Support

When the early nesting dolls were created, all of them were presented with females as their biggest dolls. That is because a couple of the main symbols of the matryoshka dolls were of depicting a woman’s fertility and their motherhood. The shape of the big-bellied doll almost portrayed a mother’s stout figure and her significance in the family by the nesting of her “children” dolls inside.

Mothers play a big role in the traditional Russian family; being the bearer of life and her capability to multiply her seeds are just some of them. In the country, having a big family is considered as a common practice and even an important one; there are usually more than three children, as well as members of the extended family live under one roof with them. Each member of the family is believed to have their own unique role in the household, and it’s the mother who serves as the foundation of the home. (Source)

Let’s continue – How are the Nesting Dolls Made?

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