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Welcome Christmas and New Year's Eve 2019!



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I've only just begin @Lim!  I have my story to post during the weekend and more New Years facts to post. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Many New Year’s traditions surround food. Here are a few:

    The tradition of eating 12 grapes at midnight comes from Spain. Revelers stuff their mouths with 12 grapes in the final moments of the year—one grape for every chime of the clock!

    In the southern US black-eyed peas and pork foretell good fortune.

    In Scotland—where Hogmanay is celebrated—people parade down the streets swinging balls of fire.

    Eating any ring-shaped treat (such as a doughnut) symbolizes “coming full circle” and leads to good fortune.

    In Dutch homes, fritters called olie bollen are served.

    The Irish enjoy pastries called bannocks.

    In India and Pakistan rice promises prosperity.

    Apples dipped in honey are a Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) tradition.

    In Swiss homes dollops of whipped cream, symbolizing the richness of the year to come, are dropped on the floors—and allowed to remain there.

    You can read more here.


    10 Food Traditions for Good Luck in the New Year 

    Buttered Bread: New Years Day in Ireland is also known as Day of the Buttered Bread (or Sandwich, depending on the Gaelic translation you use.) Tradition says buttered bread placed outside the front door symbolizes an absence of hunger in the household, and presumably for the year to come.

    Grapes/Raisins: Tradition in Spain says 12 grapes or raisins eaten just before midnight (one at each chime of the clock) will bring good fortune for all 12 months of the year, as long as you finish all 12 before the final stroke!


    Greens: Because of their deep emerald color (think money), hearty greens like kale, spinach, and collards are believed to bring wealth (And of course health!) to those who enjoy it early and often in the New Year. For legume or meat-based dishes, a garnish of parsley is also said to ward off evil spirits.

    Pork: Bring on the bacon! Because pigs root forward while they forage for food (as opposed to cows, who stand still, or chickens, who scratch backwards), pork in all forms is enjoyed by many hoping to embrace the challenges and adventures that await in the coming year.


    Long Noodles: Signifying longevity in Asian culture, a stir-fry of unbroken noodles is a tradition believed to bring good health and luck in the New Year. Those who can eat at least one long noodle without chewing or breaking it are said to enjoy the longest lives and best luck of all!

    Lentils: Resembling tiny coins, the custom of enjoying lentils in the New Year is a common Italian tradition said to bring wealth.

    Cornbread: Golden yellow and inarguably delicious, cornbread is especially popular in the South. Because it’s color is similar to that of gold, this bread is enjoyed by those hopeful for a prosperous year.

    Round Foods: Cakes, pastries, cookies, and round fruits like clementines are often enjoyed on New Year’s Day as their shape signifies that the old year has come to a close and the New Year holds the promise of a fresh start.

    Whole Fish: In Chinese culture, serving fish whole (both head and tail intact) symbolizes prosperity, abundance, and a good year to come (from start to finish!)

    The information came from here

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    New Year's Eve traditions around the world said to bring you good luck

    A common tradition in Colombia is to run hard and fast around the house with a suitcase in hand to ensure a year of traveling. Great for someone who suffers from wanderlust.

    No, the Danes do not smash plates on each others' doors, despite the Viking-esque rumors. They do, however, stand on chairs and jump off of them at the stroke of midnight. By taking your feet off the ground in the final moments of the year, it is said that you'll leave all the bad spirits behind as you "jump into" a fresh, new year.

    In Germany, many people rub chimney ashes on their foreheads for good fortune and health. Like many Nordic countries, they also indulge in a fortune telling ritual by pouring molten lead into cold water, and the shape of the cooled metal predicts your fortune. Shapes such as a heart or anchor will predict new love or hard times ahead, respectively.

    In Greece, the pomegranate has held strong symbolic meaning since ancient times. A common tradition on New Year's Eve is to throw pomegranates on the ground, and break them apart. The more they burst, the more abundance your household will have.

    A very old custom, and still practiced by some today in Ireland, is for the unmarried women to place mistletoe leaves under their pillow. This is believed to bring good fortune, hoping to find love in the new year.

    Mexicans celebrate by eating 12 grapes, one for each of the 12 clock chimes at midnight, making a wish with each one. The grapes also represent the 12 months of the new year, and each wish is to ensure a lucky month. However, a sour grape will represent a particularly unlucky month and a wish unfulfilled.

    New Year's Eve is a big deal in Russia, and is very similar to how we celebrate Christmas in the West. One wish-making custom on New Year's Eve is to write your wish on a piece of paper, burn it, and mix the ashes in your champagne glass before drinking it at the stroke of midnight.

    In Scotland, they celebrate Hogmanay, and the most popular tradition is the "first-footing," which involves the first person to "cross the threshold" (enter the front door) of a friend's house that will determine that household's fortune of the new year. The first foot is expected to bring luck-bearing gifts of coal, salt, bread, whiskey and a coin, and enter saying "A happy New Year and good tidings to you and yours!"

    United States
    Passed down from English and German folklore, Americans kissing their special someone at midnight has been a common tradition said to bring good fortune and erase bitter memories. Originally, it was believed that the first person you encountered at the start of the new year would determine whether you had good or bad luck in the new year, so you'd kiss them to seal the deal. Over time, the custom changed to selecting who you wanted your good fortune to be shared with.

    Venezuelans wear bright yellow underwear for luck, and typically showcase it for the world to see. Whether that means wearing underwear on the outside or no pants at all, each are supposedly good luck. Other variations of the same ritual include wearing different colors for what you want to have in the new year: red for love, gold for wealth, and white for peace and a fresh start.

    You can view all of this information

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    I will be posting my New Year's Eve story tomorrow! 
    I will come back here when it's posted to give all of you the link.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    The New Year's Eve story is now live!  Please click on the image below to begin.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    7 New Year’s Good Luck Traditions Around the World

    1. Keep your money under the carpet - To have more money next year, consider saving it all up for New Year’s Eve – just like some Romanians like to do. Among this group of Eastern Europeans, rumor has is that putting bills under the rug before the clock ticks midnight guarantees a prosperous year ahead. To enhance your chances at that fortune, be sure to wear red underwear and break some glasses while chanting the classic “Happy New Year!”


    2. Burn an “old man.” - It might sound quite brutal, but many of our southern neighbors say it’s totally fine. In some parts of Mexico, mainly in the south, people put the past behind them by making a human-size dummy called “el viejo” (the grandpa) or “año viejo” (past year) that they set ablaze at midnight on New Year’s to close an old cycle and start afresh. The tradition can be found in other Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, where it’s OK for these dummies to look like anything from politicians to evil cartoon characters. Go wild.


    3. Turn the oven on and music up - In many cases, more money and overall prosperity come with some sweat. So if you want to make it big in 2018, many in Trinidad and Tobago believe the key is to get the house all nice and tidy and engage in some holiday cooking. Dreams will come true, so the locals say, only if you cook some black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day. Jazz it up with some parang, a type of folk music played around the holidays for good luck, and there’s truly nothing stopping you in the following year.


    4. Do good. Eat good - If you really want all the good vibes sent your way, start by doing good yourself: It's a move that will make Afghans proud. In the landlocked, mountainous country they say your year will go well if you start by engaging in good actions on day one, so give it your best for over 360 days of fortune. Also, make sure you wear green while cooking green things. And speaking of cooking, if you happen to be in Afghanistan on New Year’s, which – piece of information – is not in December, but in March, and is known as Nowruz, you’d want to make a seven fruit salad. Haft Mewa is usually made of dried fruits and nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pistachio, hazelnut, cherries, apricots and raisins. If you combine them right, locals say, you’ll definitely score more points in 2018.


    5. Wave bad luck goodbye - Those more into extreme traditions than sitting at home and cooking, might consider ringing in the new year in Brazil. If you go to Rio de Janeiro on New Year’s Eve, make sure you bring beautiful, white clothing that rumor says will bring peace of mind in the following year. Brazilians believe midnight should catch you nowhere else but in the water, jumping seven waves, if you want to enhance your chances of success next year. Mind you – some say you are not supposed to turn away from the ocean when you’re jumping; Otherwise you’ll get quite the opposite effect.


    6. Fill your house with money - and some round fruit.  There's no need to head to the ocean for good luck on New Year's in the Philippines. Instead, people wear clothes with polka dots and jump as much as possible at midnight, also hoping to get a few inches taller. To bring more prosperity in the new year, Filipinos also scatter coins in every room when the clock ticks midnight. Another good luck tip from the country: Keeping the lights on and having 12 round fruits on the the dinner table.


    7. Pop some grapes and grab a suitcase - Fruits are also the main protagonist in this Latin American tradition: In some countries, such as Venezuela or Bolivia, people believe good luck comes from eating exactly 12 grapes at midnight. For those yearning to travel in the coming year, there’s another trick – rolling a suitcase down the block or around the house so you’ll explore numerous destinations in 2018. Some Latin Americans believe that ending the night by counting money will give you more to spend on upcoming travels.


    You can view all of this information here.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Last post to this message.  What time zone are you in?  When will it be New Year's where you live?  Click on the image to compare time zones.  I live in the USA ET so there is a little over 18 hours left until 2020.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I just found this link where we can follow live streaming videos all over the world.  Click on the image. I am going to keep checking this live link today. 

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,582
    edited December 2019
    Hello! @Elsa 👋

    I live in Malaysia, so my country time is 19:05pm that means 5 hours left, we will say Happy New Year 2020 while start to play fireworks! 😊

    What about you? Diamond Diaries Hunters! 😊
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Thanks for sharing @Lim.  I hope that we get a lot of people sharing their New Year's Eve things with us here.  Do you go to see the fireworks or watch it on TV.  I am usually sleeping at the stroke of midnight.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?