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LeeLoo2U Posts: 1

Level 1

Thanks for the invite,  hello everyone happy new year 😊 I luv KING games and play a lot of them on a regular basis so if you see me then add me 🙃😊


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,579

    Hello there! @LeeLoo2U 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Thank you for your loving all of King's Games and join this community! 😊

    Let's introduce myself! 😊

    My name is Lim while I'm Diamond Diaries Expert Player that I can help everyone to solve any levels and problems on Diamond Diaries Community. 😉

    ** If you have any your problems on this game, I can help you on "Support" here. 😉

    I also give you exciting news on this game if you have playing this game, you don't forget to join this game's contests to chance to win FREE Gold Bars! 😊

    So click here with a chance to win Gold bars! 

    ** You can see "Announcement" , that means you can join it to chance to win gold bars. And "Finished" , that means that contest is over or finished! **

    You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news! 😉
    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Have a SASSY day! ♥️

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