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don't get level 1416

huggett Posts: 2

Level 1

When I completed Level 1415, the game said "NEW CITIES ARE COMING SOON". But, I read in the COMMUNITY there is level 1416. How do I get it?


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Hello again! @huggett 👋

    I have answered you for same your question already, you can click here to read my answer on that your thread now. 😊

    ** If you have any questions on this game, you can ask a question ONCE only on Diamond Diaries Support Community. **

    I will tagging @PummyRaj close this thread as this thread has "duplicated post" (Same question by same player). 😊

    Have a SASSY day! ❤️

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @huggett Hearty Welcome to our Sparkling King Community 🤗

    It looks like you have posted same question 2 times!

    Please allow us some time to respond to your first question and please refrain from posting multiple posts! Because, it will confuse you and us to follow up with you and update you.

    My friend @Lim has suggested you what to do to receive the new levels in your first question at this link ---> How to Get Level # 1416 Please click on these 👈️ Green letters to go to your first question and also to discuss further if needed.

    ** As per Community Guidelines, this thread will be closed now considering it as "Duplicate Post"!

    Thank you for understanding! Have a dazzling day 💎 💎 💎

This discussion has been closed.

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