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Level 3423 - impossible?

This level is classed as being hard. And that, it certainly is! Played it many times now and I'm still left with at least 16 diamonds to collect when I've no moves left!

Anyone successfully completed this level without extra moves or boosters?


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363

    Hello again! 👋

    Yep! This level is also impossible to us as it's too many layers of blockers and not enough moves to be passed again. 😥😥😥

    Also we are very sorry as unfortunately their team is still on long Christmas vacation, they will be no longer to release new levels, check and fix any these levels until they will be back on next year. So we cannot help you to fix this level easier right now.

    If you got so close to complete this level, you can continue playing and earning to use these free extra moves and/or hammers to complete this level with your teammates on Jeweller's Club Feature (Team Feature). These new features will be released by the system randomly. 😉

    You can also check here :

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here 🌶️

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    🚨 New Levels Announcement on Diamond Diaries Saga here! (15th December 2022) 🚨

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    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • wandamc
    wandamc Posts: 73

    Level 3

    I’m having the same problem, Didn’t even get close and even had extra moves.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363

    Hello again! 👋😊

    Great news as finally Diamond Diaries Studio Team is back while they can fix this level easier now! The layers of ribbons decreased! Hope you can pass this level possible soon! 😄

    You can also check here :

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here 🌶️

    Solve your answer from maths challenge and Win Gold Bars here! 🔢❓🤔 I 🎆 Win Gold Bars and Badge Here! Can you complete on Happy New Year 2023 Challenge Contest? 🎆 I Want to win Free Gold Bars on this game? Participate and Answer here! 🎉🏆✨

    💎🏅 Have you passed over Level 1000, 2000 and 3000? Post a screenshot then Claim Level 1000 Badge here, Level 2000 Badge here and Level 3000 Badge here! 😄

    🌍 Where are you playing from? Let us know and Get the Badge here! 🌍

    🗼🗽 What's your favourite destination and Why? Let us know and Get the Badge here! 🌉🏜️

    🌐 Nationality & Language - Tell us and Get the Badge here! 🌐

    💎 What's your current level on this game? Post your screenshot and Get the Badge here! 🏅😉

    📱💎 How many levels are there and what's the current latest version in Diamond Diaries Saga now here?

    💎 Wanna to win Diamond Diaries Badges? Join and challenge these badges' contests here! 🏅😉

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

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