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Stuck on Level 4485 / Level 4490



  • clanrobertson1
    clanrobertson1 Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited April 23

    Won’t drop you down to the bottom half of the puzzle on this level.

  • Annie_Soutter
    Annie_Soutter Posts: 179 Level 3
    edited April 23

    This game is broken and needs a fixer, I just played 5 games and 1 went through to the bottom, there seems to be no rhyme or reason why!!!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 156,464 Diamond Diaries Moderator
    edited April 23

    Hello there and Welcome to Sweet King Community! @clanrobertson1 👋😊

    I am Diamond Lim (You can also called me Lim is short as well). I am still Diamond Diaries Skill Master while Diamond Diaries Moderator right now. 💎😊

    Yeah! I check playing this level again then I am also getting this same problem once only on this level on earlier. This level is also really another one impossible to be passed as it's really very not enough moves to be passed and too many layers of blockers should be destroyed by many moves. So we cannot passing this impossible level without using boosters and extra moves very possible. Oh Dear! 🙁

    Anyway, I have asked and reported Level 4485, 4489 and 4490 to Community Team early already, then we are not sure if they can tweaking these levels easier or not on another next week as well. So please be patience waiting for these levels should be tweaked easier on another next week. 🙏

    Need further assistance? Feel free to tag me! 😉

    Also thank you for continuing to play this game with us. 💎🤗

    You can also post your screenshot of your current map and you will claim Level 1000 Badge here, Level 2000 Badge here, Level 3000 Badge here and Level 4000 Badge here on your view profile on this community too (but not in the game)! 💎🏅🏅🏅🏅😄

    You can also check here :

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here 🌶️

    💎 Wanna to win more Diamond Diaries Saga's Badges? Check this out here! 🏅😉

    Also check here to learn more amazing linking skills on this game! 😉

    Have a wonderful and sassy weekend! 💎😄

  • milk1234
    milk1234 Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited April 23

    I got the same problem

  • King_admin
    King_admin Posts: 3,419 Level 3
    edited April 23
    This discussion was created from comments split from: What’s going on?!.
  • makomakomako
    makomakomako Posts: 9 Level 2
    edited April 23

    Hi, Lim!

    Like all of you, level 4485 is impossible

    I hope you will make adjustments soon

    Lim, thank you for always reporting to the community team

  • lesleyward
    lesleyward Posts: 36 Level 2
    edited April 23

    Still hit and miss if it drops to second level on 4485

  • Sany1234
    Sany1234 Posts: 8 Level 2
    edited April 23

    Is anyone pass this levrl?

  • bakermom99
    bakermom99 Posts: 50 Level 2
    edited April 23
  • Annie_Soutter
    Annie_Soutter Posts: 179 Level 3
    edited April 23

    There is a glitch in the game as well as it being too hard. We can wait until they make it less hard which is fine but they need to fix the programming problem please. Thanks DL for your words always kind

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?