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MM46 Level 2


  • Yes I broke all the candy by using the party popper but should have had at least 2 candies made in that many moves. Glad to know it isn’t just me this happened to though.
    in Level 9988 Comment by MM46 June 25
  • I agree!!! I used a party popper after several attempts needed 2 chocolate candies and had 12 moves left! No choc. Candies. Then paid to get gold bars to cont so I could finally finish level. 45 moves added. So it ended up taking 40 !!! 40 moves to have 2 chocolate candies made!! What a rip off!!!
  • I did as well and needed 2 of the black spiral squares to complete the level and even though I had to wait about 5 min for the fish to stop not once did those 2 squares come down which I find ridiculous!!! I get there is an algorithm but if those columns keep spinning down and nothing, not one of those squares that are…

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