It looks like I'm on Team B Bubblegum! I'm from Elyria, Ohio 🇺🇸. I've been playing for about 2yrs maybe even a little over 2yrs. I'm on level 2295 Team Bubblegum!
Definitely agree that it shouldn't take 10 gold bars for 5 extra moves. You have to loose the same level multiple times to reach 25-30extra moves for 10 gold bars. 5 moves simply isn't enough or fair most of the time. I vote lower the amount of gold bars please.. #YouGotMyVote
I'm not sure I'd these actually posted but it didn't look like it, it looked like the post with 6photos posted before these ,but just incase I reposted to show the 175Points. Points in total so far are 100+175+60=335 total points
10 CC=100 Points.. I just realized it's CC And CB..I'd only been taking screenshots of CC's... opps, oh well least I know now lol. but What if I have more than 15 screeenshots that I still need to post so I can add those points to the 100 Points?? (If i did this right, this set of photos have a total of 10 CC×10points ech…
I've also recently noticed that 4 in a row is no longer on my game and it's been there since I started playing a couple years ago, only recently over this past week or so did I notice it's no longer there.. I'll try clearing cache and see if that helps bring it back or not.. we shall see..