How many and what sort of moves does it take to get rid of those statues?
Hi, on some levels it's required to destroy those cat statues in Pepper Panic Saga. What moves do you have to make and how many in order to destroy these statues?
Best Answer
Hey Tune_D These statues can be a bit tricky. To destroy these statues you have to explode a pepper that is nearby. The pepper must be sitting directly on top of, next to, beneath, or on a tile that touches the corner of the tile with the statue. You can also destroy the statues with a shockwave by combining 4 peppers in a row, or combining peppers in a “T” or “L” shape. I hope this helps and good luck!
Hey Tune_D These statues can be a bit tricky. To destroy these statues you have to explode a pepper that is nearby. The pepper must be sitting directly on top of, next to, beneath, or on a tile that touches the corner of the tile with the statue. You can also destroy the statues with a shockwave by combining 4 peppers in a row, or combining peppers in a “T” or “L” shape. I hope this helps and good luck!
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This video I made discusses all the different ways to do it as Crusher mentioned, and provides some tips too. Hope it helps.
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Awesome Pete, thanks a million!
This video I made discusses all the different ways to do it as Crusher mentioned, and provides some tips too. Hope it helps.
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Hi! To destroy this pesky statues you need to explode some peppers of another colour. I'm on level 26...( I'm at this level for some reason??? F***! )
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