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When will pepper panic SAGA be available for mobile devices
Level 1
Hi Liz,
Many other players have asked the same thing and I know the Game Studio for Pepper Panic Saga are in the process of porting the game to mobile format :-)
I can't give you an exact date but I suggest you check back here on King Care for updates as well as follow Pepper Panic Saga on Facebook:
Kind regards,
- Mark, Team King Care
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I've been waiting for Pepper Panic Saga to come to mobile since it's Facebook release in November 2013. I saw today October 1, 2017 an article that said you play Pepper Panic Saga on Android and iPad using the Photon Browser. I have not tried it yet. I'll wait to see what King says about it first. The site I saw the article claiming this was at
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I've been waiting for Pepper Panic Saga to come to mobile since it's Facebook release in November 2013. I saw today October 1, 2017 an article that said you play Pepper Panic Saga on Android and iPad using the Photon Browser. I have not tried it yet. I'll wait to see what King says about it first. The site I saw the article claiming this was at www.pepperpanictips.comHi Liz,
Many other players have asked the same thing and I know the Game Studio for Pepper Panic Saga are in the process of porting the game to mobile format :-)
I can't give you an exact date but I suggest you check back here on King Care for updates as well as follow Pepper Panic Saga on Facebook:
Kind regards,
- Mark, Team King Care
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It should be about time to have pepper panic played on our mobiles!
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