Pepper Panic won't load

Level 3
Game won't load. It starts to load but then just seems to stall and do nothing. I've even let it sit for a long time to see if it would eventually load, but nothing happens.I have tried in Chrome, Firefox and in IE, none will load. I have also
-deleted ALL my cookies
-deleted my browser history
-verified that I have the most recent version of Flash
-tried all the other King games I play to see if they would load - and they all do
This has been going on for a week or two. I keep checking and clearing cache etc. with no luck.
Hi Headless!
Please see this thread:
Also I suggest that you disable any plugins and extensions in your browser. Also check what other programs you have running in the background while playing the game. I can also recommend that you use Google Chrome as it seems to run really well with Flash based games like Pepper Panic.
Cheers :-)
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Thanks for the suggestions, but I've done all that and it still won't load. I always use Chrome when playing. I play at I tried in IE and in Firefox too and also could not play on those either. All my other games load fine. Pepper Panic is the only one I am having problems loading.
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I have the same problem all other games fine just pepper panic will not go past loading title on king site been weeks now all other games fine getting fed up with no response that helps all seems to be about facebook not king site Like some useful help please .Hi Headless!
Please see this thread:
Also I suggest that you disable any plugins and extensions in your browser. Also check what other programs you have running in the background while playing the game. I can also recommend that you use Google Chrome as it seems to run really well with Flash based games like Pepper Panic.
Cheers :-)
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having exactly same problem been weeks now all games bur pepper panic fine I play on king .com aswell Ive had no help .Thanks for the suggestions, but I've done all that and it still won't load. I always use Chrome when playing. I play at I tried in IE and in Firefox too and also could not play on those either. All my other games load fine. Pepper Panic is the only one I am having problems loading.
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Me, too. Can't get an answer that worksThanks for the suggestions, but I've done all that and it still won't load. I always use Chrome when playing. I play at I tried in IE and in Firefox too and also could not play on those either. All my other games load fine. Pepper Panic is the only one I am having problems loading.
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yes it is still going on, i have chrome as well and i never had this issue with it loading and playing, i have not played in a long time and was looking forward to playing and it will not load unless im logged off and have to start at lvl one...this is crazy someone from king or that works for them or does work on this site needs to fix the problem it is obvious that a lot of people like pepper panic saga!!!Thanks for the suggestions, but I've done all that and it still won't load. I always use Chrome when playing. I play at I tried in IE and in Firefox too and also could not play on those either. All my other games load fine. Pepper Panic is the only one I am having problems loading.
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