How to start Pepper Panic over from the beginning

Posts: 1
Level 1
Have completed all levels, tried to uninstall the game and then reinstall but just takes me back to the last level. Is there a way to start from the beginning again?
Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or if you are using a mobile device, tap the the lines in the top right corner to access the menu) as I have sent you a message about this.
Kind regards,
0 -
Hi Johnny, would you please help me with the same thing? I'd love to start over without having to scroll scroll scroll down thru the levels.Thanks!!!ToniHello.
Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or if you are using a mobile device, tap the the lines in the top right corner to access the menu) as I have sent you a message about this.
Kind regards,
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