Why does Pepper Panic freeze?

On the website and on FB, PP freezes, slow to load, very jerky, can't play the game but for a couple of minutes then get a "crash report" message. I The other King.com games work but not Pepper Panic. Help!

Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓

    My pleasure dear @Sherry_Chapman 🤗

    But, I am very sorry for not being much of a help with the issue 🙏

    I am sure you will have lots of fun with other games... If you are playing any of the Farm games, you will find me there too ❤️


  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    U r at the candy crush friend area???

    check whether u have more than 2GB of memory left... n try restart ur device n update to latest version...

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello again @Sherry_Chapman

    I have just answered your other question with the issue about "Alpha Betty"!

    I have tried to open Pepper Panic in Edge, and it is also working fine. I have not tried it on FB, as I never played it there!

    You must have already tried rebooting your computer (after reading it in Alpha Betty question). Another thought coming to my mind is -- are your Browsers good with all the latest updates?

    There is a link that tells us whether our browsers are all set with the Updates and supporting or not! Let me look for that and post it here once I find it.

    In the mean time, please try to reboot the system and make sure the Internet connection is not flimsy!

    NOTE: Both Alpha Betty & Pepper Panic are old games, and King has stopped making new levels a while back! So, there won't be any new updates from the games to rectify the issue. Whatever it is, we have to clear it on our end only.

    Hope this made sense & clarifies! Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the weekend 🌶️ 🌶️

  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3

    Hi, thanks so much but yes I have tried rebooting several times and that hasn't worked. I use Firefox 76.01 (the latest version) with Mac OS High Sierra 10.3.6 I have 64 GB of memory.

    I have always played Pepper Panic and Alpha Betty on King.com, until recently, when the problems with Pepper Panic and Alpha Betty started and I went to FB to play.

    Alpha Betty works great on FB, but not on King.com.

    Pepper Panic won't load, freezes, jerky on FB and King.com

    I get this message with Pepper Panic on King.com when it locks up:

    I can play all the other games on King.com or FB with no problems so I am stumped. Will watch for your response and hopefully resolution of the problem..THANK YOU!!

  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3

    I use AT&T, fastest speed browser ATT offers.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Sherry_Chapman Hope you are doing well and your family as well 🤗

    I am so sorry for not getting back to you till now!

    My notifications are not working properly... that's why, I did not realize that you have posted your reply here!

    I think it is the "Flash" that's causing the trouble for your games! They are ending their support for the Browsers -- but is it just for the Google or other browsers too, I am not sure! But, I will find out about it and get back to you (this time real soon).

    Since it has been exactly 10 days you have posted your last comment, is there any improvement with the games OR is it still the same?

  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3

    No problem!! The games are still the same, no change. I figure the most recent Firefox update is part of the problem as well. Firefox now requires the user to choose response "Allow Flash Player" every time to access Flash Player files. I can play Alpha Betty on FB with no problem but not on King.com. Pepper Panic won't work either site. 🙁 I am not sure about other browsers either. Thank you for your continued efforts to hopefully find more answers! I look forward to any further info you find.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello again @Sherry_Chapman

    I am thinking it is the "Flash Player" issue. Because, that's what happens on Chrome and Edge too, to play on King.com. Every time you open the game, we have to "update" the Flash Player.

    I have just tried Pepper Panic on Facebook -- it also requires Flash Player installation / update each time I tried to open the game! And again, it is also the same on Edge and Chrome. I do not have Fire Fox though.

    One more thing -- I have tried to play Pepper Panic on Facebook Game Room, it worked there without any issue! And no pop-up of "flash player" too!

    Do you want the check and see if you can play on Facebook Game Room?

  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3

    I didn't realize there was Facebook Game Room so I checked it out. Tried to download but unfortunately found it is not available for MacOS/OSX. I found this info on the FB Gameroom;

    "Note: Facebook Gameroom isn't currently available for Mac or Linux. Thank you!!!"

    Thank you sooooo much for all of your time and effort helping me!! I appreciate it!!!

    I am content to play the other King.com games I can but will miss Pepper Panic.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓

    My pleasure dear @Sherry_Chapman 🤗

    But, I am very sorry for not being much of a help with the issue 🙏

    I am sure you will have lots of fun with other games... If you are playing any of the Farm games, you will find me there too ❤️

  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3

    Great! THANKS!

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