Doesn´t the game work anymore?

Level 2
it doesn´t work anymore?
Hello @jovaton Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful King Community 🤗
I am sorry to say that I am not clear about your question!
Can you please explain what is happening when you try to play Pepper Panic Saga? Are you playing on Facebook OR on
The game does not have anymore new levels as the Studio has stopped making them! But, the game should work fine for us to play. I did open the game recently.
Can you please give me more details? So that, I can assist you further?
You can simply type your reply in the comment box given below.
Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day 🌶️ 🌶️
P.S: Can you please post in English, as the Community supports English language only. Thank you for understanding 🙏
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I play via
The conection starts, load the king logo, after that load a square with blank page and stops.
I also play candy crash with no problem, in the same computer with the same software.
Iam sorry about my lack of english
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Hello again dear @jovaton 🤗
First of all, your English is perfectly fine and I can completely understand what you wrote. So, no need to say sorry 💜
Few more questions... are you playing on a Laptop or on a tablet / iPad? If you are playing on a Laptop, which browser are you using?
I will check on my PC and see if I too have the same issue! I have stopped playing that game a while ago, hence, do not open it regularly!
The game asks you to install / update the "Flash Player". Are you following that step?
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thank you for your answers
I´m using a laptop either with chrome or firefox. Both browsers have the same problem
my flash player is up to date
there are two adittional facts toconsider
1- I use with no problem the candy crush
2- also I used pepper panic till two weeks ago with no problem reaching the 435 level
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Hello again @jovaton Hope you had a great weekend and a nice day 🤗
I am trying to find out and talk to our Pepper Panic Community In-charge.
Can you please try the trouble-shooting steps provided in this link ----> Game NOT Loading on PC
I need 2 more details please.... are you playing through OR on Facebook? If you are on Facebook, can you please look for your ID number, and post it here?
Hope to talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day 🌶️ 🌶️
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i did all the way you proposed
nothing happen
I´m using king in a laptop either with chrome or firefox. Both browsers have the same problem
my flash player is up to date
there are two adittional facts to consider
1- I use with no problem the candy crush in the same environment
2- also I used pepper panic till two weeks ago with no problem reaching the 435 level
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Hello again dear @jovaton 🤗
I have just heard from one of our Community In-charge about the issue. They would like to see the screenshot(s) of the issue.
Can you please take screenshots of
1) While the game loading;
2) And a screenshot of that "square with blank page"
This link will tell you how to take a screenshot --->
And to post the screenshot, tap on the 2nd icon that is located in the bottom left corner of the comment box.
Talk to you soon. Have a great rest of the day 🌶️ 🌶️
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