Hi Everyone

Level 1
Can anyone tell my why I can no longer pay from more lives on FB?
Hello @Katrina68 Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful King Community 🤗
I am sorry to say that I am not very clear about the issue you are having in the game!
Would you mind explaining a bit more? Are you saying that "you are not able to play with friends" OR are you saying that "you cannot buy any extra lives"?
Which game are you having this issue in?
Can you please post back by typing your reply in the comment box given below.
Hope to talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day 🌶️ 🌶️
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Hi Thanks for getting back to me so quickly .I can no longer pay for additional lives or top ups via Facebook anymore on King games. The payment screens pops up but when I click to buy the screens freeze.
1 -
Hello dear @Katrina68 🤗
Thank you very much for explaining more about the issue 👍️
I am so sorry to hear about the issue! If you don't mind, few more questions please....
Is it the same on all the King games you are playing? Which are the games you are playing right now?
Are you using a PC or a mobile device.. if using a mobile device, is it an Android or an Apple brand?
Are you seeing any error message before the screen freezes OR it just freezes and you have to restart your device? If you are seeing any error message, can you please show me a screenshot of that message?
To post the screenshot, you will have to tap on the 2nd icon that is located in the bottom left corner of the comment box.
Talk to you soon. Have a great rest of the day 🌶️ 🌶️
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