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Level 2616 need to be revisited and checked
Hi Admin, I think there are few people who will be able to cross this level. There are mostly grumpy crops and getting 380 crops are just impossible wth little moves. Even taking boosters are not helpful Please review this .
I have a lot of Bill, Khogerus, Tractor, and Points, if possible, I'm on the phone
Hi, I have a lot of Bill, Khogerus, Tractor, and Points, if possible, I'm on the phone
We are looking for Game Experts!
🥕 No account yet? Sign up here in 2 seconds! 🥕 Howdy Farmers 🤠 You love Farm Heroes Saga and want to help other players? You can become a Game Expert! 🌟How to become an Expert? Have you been helping other players lately? Have you been active and engaged on the Community in the past months? If you answered yes to these 2…
Don't miss out 👉 Firefly Blocker Update!
👉No account yet? Sign up here in 2 seconds! 👈 For those who missed this, early this year the Studio wanted some feedback on the Firefly blockers, you can read about it here. Thanks to all the feedback you Farmers provided, the Studio listened and have changed the way the Firefly works now 😊 They still remain in one place…
Attach File
Can someone advise how do i attach files to show my progress?I tried many times to attach but failed. Last time I managed to do it but now can't even i restart couple of times..
Defeating Rancid
To this community, are you all happy with the game set up? For me, almost of the higher level have lots of glitch. Especially, defeating rancid, I tool +2 bonus at is worth 1700 plus of magic beans and a lot of companion. However, deduction in rancid life is only less than it should be double. I believe the developer is a…
Level of difficulty
Hello Asshole!!! this game is supposed to be good but this is a pro booster game. Those ****** companions are for sale and much expensive as you think. I am not recommending this ******* game application to my friends. At first it’s fun but as time goes on, you will realize that this game is great **********. Can’t you…
Why staf gold not more ?
See you photo why not full staf golf to by point?
Rancid lair - Level 6 is hard!
Level 6 is killing me