Couple of questions
Are we able to message our friends and anonymous king team members through Farm Heroes Saga? I see it mentioned in the instructions but I cant figure out how to talk to anyone. Also, in my honey pot gathering team - I'm sick of them, can I get another team? Only me and one other player ever get any stars. The other player…
Don't you think the community needs a new shine?
You are very welcome to help us! Here is the link: for our panel discussion - action! https://community.king.com/en/blog/discussion/282620/lets-make-king-community-the-perfect-place-for-all-of-us/p1 If you are interested, please come and participate. The end result comes back to us players! THANKS 🤗
I started Again!
Well, I got so fed-up with getting no lives or beans on FB, it's impossible to play the higher games without them, so I started the whole damn thing again. I still play on King, but I've had to give up on the Facebook platform, so downloaded the new ap to play a stand-alone game.. It's so funny being told how to collect…
Looking for friends to help with Roadblock
Not sure if there is where I go but I am looking for friends to help me get past Roadblock.... apparently the friends that used to play are no longer playing.... advice please and thank you
Level 3000 event 18
How to beat event 18?
Level 3000 event
Any 1 having this new lvl 3000 event ? consist of 18 lvls ... reward is 6 hrs unlimited life’s
Beach Splash Screen
What do you think? Not my favorite. Liked the tractor better. The beach doesn't quite get me in the mood to harvest crops :-)
Why did you start playing Farm Heroes Saga? 🧐
👉 No account yet? Sign up here in 2 seconds!👈 We really want to know what makes you play the game and how you feel when playing 😃
Dear Fellow Honeypot Gatherers-I've got no lives or beans
I'm so sorry my little group but since my Facebook FHS game has been updated (bleurgh) I no longer receiving lives (=beans) from my gaming partner. When we had 'Boostergate', a glitch that gave us unlimited boosters, I took advantage and built-up my bean stock, 30 thousand, wow! Sadly these have dwindled to 3k at the…
Price increase for Gold Bars
Wondering if anyone else has noticed the hefty price increase for Gold Bars in the space of a few weeks, following on from the Facebook interface update? 10 gold bars went up from (UK Sterling) £0.79 to £0.99, then £1.99! This user refuses to pay this, which must counter productive in terms of the lucrative revenue King…